Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Warm-Up for 5/19/10

A. When I grow up I would like to go into Finance. I would like to be a hedge fund manger and be able to make enough money to live a nice life, but I would eventually like to have enough money to buy companies and run them through a parent company. Also I would like to get into politics when I am older as well. Ultimately, I want to live a fun and exciting life though.

B. I want go to collage after high school. I want to go to collage because it would allow me to be able to go into the jobs that I want and to be able to understand more things in the world. Also you are able to grow up and meet and see new people and places that will be a large part in me growing up.

C. I think that it is important to chose a collage that best suits your need and what you like. You want to chose it based on how much you could do while you are there and such. The once you have found some collages that you like, then you can judge them on cost, education, size and more.

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