Monday, May 17, 2010

Technology Reflection

Technology has had an enormous impact on my life and our cultures lives. For right now look at what we are doing we (our school) all have netbooks and are all responding to this question right now on a netbook. A large majority of the school, including teachers all have a facebook, myspace or twitter account and most use it almost daily. People can now communicate with each other without opening their mouths, they just have to type on a keyboard. We can get news, weather and any other thing that we would need by typing it into a search engine. We can see and talk to people from all over the world. We can have meeting face to face via web-chat with anyone in the world eliminating the need to travel to the place. Now almost all teenagers and adults have cell phones and can communicate with each other in anyplace in which there is service. So in conclusion we are people and as a society are completely changed and affected by technology and as we keep moving on, but we must always keep in mind how to do things without technology or else is anything happens we must be able to function without technology.

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